San Francisco, CA
(818) 869-4818
San Francisco, CA
(818) 869-4818
Atlanta, GA - Los Angeles, CA - San Francisco, CA

Hi, I’m Brian Vong

Check out my portfolio or some of my favorite marketing tools, restaurants, and things to do in ATL, LA, & SF

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Digital Marketing Tools

One of the biggest challenges businesses face is finding the right digital marketing tools to achieve their goals and objectives. Here are some of the best digital marketing tools and technology that I highly recommend for anyone looking to promote their products or services, including your website, social media, email campaigns, online advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), content creation, graphic design, data analytics, automations, etc.

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Blog Topics

For those that need any inspiration or recommendations on:

Marketing Tools & Technology
Analytics, Ads, SEO/SEM, Email Marketing, Content Creation, Project Management, Automations, CRM, Website
Favorite Restaurants
Sushi, KBBQ, Bars & Lounges, Pasta, Ramen, Pho, Taco Trucks, Fine Dining, Dim Sum, Thai, Boba Shops
Things To Do In ATL, LA, & SF
Tourist Attractions, Outdoor Activities, Hikes, Museums, Beaches, Local Favorites
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Professional Summary

Entrepreneur and startup enthusiast with extensive digital marketing and martech experience, including SEO/SEM, PPC advertising, social advertising, data analytics, marketing automations, lead generation, web development, email marketing, content marketing, and graphic design.

The Internet is constantly growing. Understanding search intent and finding the most accurate and relevant websites that match each query has been one of the most powerful ways to promote any business, products, or services through online advertisements and SEO.

Google Ads
Keyword Research
Yahoo/Bing Ads
Google Ads
Google Ads certified – I have launched over 100 successful Google Ad campaigns with positive ROAS. Search and Display ads has been one of the most effective advertising tools that helped my company get more traffic to our website and generate more leads.
Keyword Research
One of the most crucial parts before I start any PPC campaign or blog creation, I utilize Google Keyword Planner & SEMrush to research which keywords I should optimize for by making sure I understand what my market is searching for, the search volume, and forecasts.
Search Engine Optimization
After optimizing 300+ blogs and articles for Google to crawl and index, I have seen the success in making sure the text length, outbound links, inbound links, backlinks, keyword density, meta description, etc. are all set up correctly for the best search rankings.
Yahoo/Bing Ads
I have launched many Yahoo/Bing Ads to accommodate my Google Ad campaigns, but the ROI/ROAS is never as strong as Google. I would not recommend smaller/more niche companies to utilize these ads unless the product/service captures a large audience.

Social media has become the most influential and important virtual space where these platforms are not only used for social networking, but are also a great way of digitally advertising any brand and products.

Facebook Ads
My most successful campaigns with the highest ROAS are from Facebook – I utilize Facebook ads on a daily basis to target audiences based on detailed behaviors, demographics, interests, and lookalikes.
Twitter Ads
Twitter does not have as many users as FB or IG, but still shares a similar targeting experience but by keywords, tweets, and accounts.
Instagram Ads
Similar to Facebook, Instagram is run on the same platform and shares the same targeting experience, and I have driven a lot of traffic and conversions through visuals in Stories, videos, IGTV, and shopping ads.
LinkedIn Ads
LinkedIn is by far the best B2B platform that allows you to reach the exact personas, clients and businesses by title, industry, or job.

Data analytics plays a pivotal role in making decisions on customer trends and behavior prediction, increasing business profitability, and driving effective decision-making. In the digital marketing world, it has helped me to understand what methods of advertising a product have the biggest impact on the target audience and at what scale I can adopt such advertising.

Google Analytics
Google Sheets/Microsoft Excel
Google Analytics
One of the most popular digital analytics software – I utilize Google Analytics daily in order to track online traffic and conversions, understand user behavior, improve ads and SEO, and figure out where our users are coming from.
Google Sheets/Excel
Both softwares has helped me tremendously to manipulate, manage, store, and analyze data everyday. I have created hundreds of pivot tables, budget/spend sheets, financial tools, reports, charts, and calculations.
One of the challenges that my team has faced was aggregating all of our paid ad data from search, display, and social into one place. Supermetrics has been our best solution that integrates seamlessly with Google Sheets to house our data.
Similar to Google Sheets and Excel, Smartsheets has been another great data tool for me that integrates well with Salesforce automations and has unique features that allows you to share specific columns and rows with clients instead of the entire sheet.

Lead generation is an extremely important step in any business’ growth. Automating the many steps between marketing and sales has given me more time to focus on overall strategy and nurturing the leads that show real promise. That means more prospects, and more customers.

Salesforce & Pardot
Salesforce & Pardot
I use Salesforce heavily day to day, and Pardot has been a great marketing automation tool owned by Salesforce that’s tailored to the needs of B2B marketers, with B2B analytics and account-based marketing solutions.
With everything that goes into creating and optimizing digital ads these days, most marketers need a helping hand and AdRoll is the perfect tool that I have encountered.
A bottleneck my company faced with email automations was having a tool that could run both B2B and B2C drip campaigns while having different lead scoring models. Marketo has been a great solution that is currently scaling with my company.
Hootsuite is my favorite social media automation tool that allows you to schedule content, create from templates, and monitor conversations about your brand and industry.
Web Design & Development

Check Out Some Of The Websites I Built

My goal is to enable high-growth companies to realize the true potential of their most important digital asset.

Digital Marketing Campaigns

Here are some of the most successful digital marketing campaigns I’ve managed end-to-end from research & strategy, to media buying & tracking, to creative concept & asset development, execution, and optimization.


Sociology & Digital Media


Northwestern University
Data, Automation, AI & Analytics


Sanguine Biosciences
Digital Marketing Manager


Camera Moderna
Co-Founder (Side Hustle)
Hi, I'm Brian Vong (BVong)

I work with some awesome people right now to disrupt an industry.

With 4+ years of digital marketing and martech experience, I’ve learned A LOT. Always happy to share my wins, failures, and lessons learned to help anyone interested in digital marketing or my business journey.

In both my professional career and personal endeavors, I’m constantly striving for more knowledge, purpose, and meaningful connections.

Love discovering new things, competing, and collaborating. I’m always looking for other creative minds to build something amazing together.

Random Facts About Me

Passionately Curious
Sushi Obsessed
Mamba Mentality
Competitive Gamer

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